The NSAC Healing Center

            Spiritual Healing, recognized in many ancient religions, has always been a part of Spiritualism.  Today, evidence is growing in the medical community about the importance of spiritual healing.  It is now accepted that the whole person needs treatment, not just the illness.

            It is easy to send a request for healing prayers for yourself or another.  You can send your request through the NSAC website at by clicking on 'What We Believe' and then 'Spiritual Healing' and filling out the form, or you may e-mail to reach the NSAC's Spiritual Healing Center.

          To request information on "How to Form a Spiritual Healing Prayer Group," please provide your name and full address along, with your written request, to the Healing Center Director: Rev. Vicky Homann, NST, 2856 LaCasita Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89120.

Prayer for Spiritual Healing

I ask the great Unseen Healing Force

 To remove all obstructions from my mind and body

And to restore me to perfect health.

I ask this in all sincerity and honesty, and I will do my part.

I ask this great Unseen Healing Force

To help both present and absent ones who are in need of help

And to restore them to perfect health

 I put my trust in the love and power of God.










Spiritualists have no dogmas or creeds. We are encouraged to seek the truth for ourselves.   Our Principles unite us in common beliefs and affirmations.  They change from time-to-time as we acquire new knowledge, wisdom, and understanding about ourselves and the world in which we live.

                Declaration of Principles


We believe in Infinite Intelligence.

We believe that the phenomena of nature, both  physical and spiritual, are the expression of  Infinite Intelligence.

We affirm that a correct understanding of such  expression and living in accordance therewith,  constitute true religion.

We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the  change called death. 

We affirm that communication with the so-called  dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.

We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as     you would have them do unto you."

We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature's physical and spiritual laws.

We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed

against any soul here or hereafter.

We affirm that the Precepts of Prophesy and  Healing are divine attributes proven through Mediumship.